September 8, 2011

Tomb Raider 30-day Challenge Day 8: What was the first Tomb Raider game you played?

UPDATE: This month-long challenge has officially finished, but you're still welcome to post your comments below at any time. We'd love to hear what you think.

A simple enough question, though I might add "...and which was the first Tomb Raider game you actually completed?" since a lot of people seem to struggle with their first attempt.

Tomb Raider game boxes courtesy of Goran Agar.
Visit to see a larger version of this pic and more of his massive collection of Lara Croft swag.


  1. Mine was the original Tomb Raider in the trapezoid shaped box. If you've got time to waste, you can read more about that in one of my first blog posts:

  2. The original was my first and, coincidentally, the first game I ever bought. I forget how many week's pocket money that was as an eleven year old but it was definitely worth it.

  3. The first game Tomb Raider I played was TR2 at my sister's friend house. I only played a bit of the Great Wall. The first I owned and completed was TR4. It was tough but I made it :)

  4. TR 2 :) the first game I played and my favourite game of the whole series :') <3

  5. TR1, and I've completed them all without using a walkthrough. (Sorry Stella.)

  6. Tomb Raider for PlayStation

    First in a computer: Tomb Raider II (after I had played it in the PS)

  7. Someone at work gave me a TR2 demo and it sat on my computer for about 6 months (I had no interest playing computer games, working all day doing comp graphics!). Then one day our servers were down and I clicked on that demo.... Ended up buying the full game, and haven't looked back since! Stella (WTs) at my side the whole time! :)

  8. Btw, TR2 was my first completed. Then I played Tr1. Then TR3 came out and I fell into step. It did take me months to get past killing the tigers in the demo, didn't have a clue what was up, or what to do.

  9. My was Angel the darkness but i played all parts

  10. My first game to play was the actual first installment,but I never completed it until I played TR2. My first game to complete was TR2.

  11. First on the PC: TR3, and that was my introduction to the games. I'd bought it for my brother for his birthday, and after watching him play, get frustrated, and start killing Lara just for the heck of it, I decided I wanted to try it myself to see how it was supposed to go. I was hooked :)

    First on the Playstation: the original Tomb Raider. That was a hard game!

    I also want to mention that when I bought my XBox 360, Underworld was the first game I got to go with it.

  12. TR2 from the trapezoid box was my first exposure to the series and still my favorite of all time. I remember visiting the old site that Theresa ran all the time for game info. Those were the days....<3

  13. Angel of Darkness, PS2, my very favourite always. It will never lose my love.

  14. Tomb Raider 2...and I would never have made it through without Stella!

  15. The first TR I actually completed was TR1, but I played other TR games at the same time so it took me quite a long time to actually finish it. :D But I still love it to death ♥ Just replayed it recently too :)

  16. Tomb Raider 1 on ps1

    Lots of fond memories

  17. @cup.: Hadn't thought about giving away the classic games since most fans seem to own them already, but I'll certainly consider it if there's interest.

  18. I wasn't actually the one who played it but like ever since I was 5 to around 10 I'd watch my dad play the old Tomb Raiders(1-4), then he stopped playing them and I just had to take a stand(haha) and I started playing them myself! :) (sorry if this got posted 3 times?)

  19. My name got all messed up above sorry! Ugh!

  20. The very first one for Playstation when I was like four. It was my first "real" video game

  21. The original on PS1! [thanking my friend Jessica for letting me play at her house before she bought me my first playstation].

  22. My 1st was TR2.
    I was new to gaming and asked the guy at my local EB games and he told me it wasn't that good, but I had heard so much about the franchise and wanted to try out a great adventure game.

    Boy, was he ever wrong!!!
    What an amazing adventure it was!

    Funnily, my 1st PS2 game was AOD, but I only got a PS2 2 years after the game!
    Worst off, it was 4 years after THAT that I finally tried the game. Someday I'll complete the bulk of it.
    (sorry everyone :( )

  23. TR1, after a friend introduced me to it. I really got stuck in THE LOST VALLEY, right before you had to jump from platform to platform along the river. For the life of me, I couldn't figure out what I had to do there, for the longest time. It didn't occur to me to jump up the river. When I finally figured it out, I was happy as a kid in a candy store.

  24. When I was around 6 or 7 years old, I asked my dad for a PS1 and the original TR for my birthday. At the time, I'm sure I mainly wanted the game because I didn't want something scary (haha SURPRISE!) and because she was a girl. :) For the longest time I wouldn't play it alone, my best friend who conveniently was my neighbor was with me. So we spend quite a lot of time playing it. But we got stuck in St. Francis' Folly, which I finally got through using your walkthroughs and because I finally got a memory card for PS1.

    The first one I ever completed was Legend (because I DID have a PS2 with a memory card). But I mostly chalk that up to the fact that it's not a very long game and I found it pretty easy. Not to mention I was about 10 years older when I played it as opposed to when I first tried the original.

  25. My dad bought TR4 because it was on offer really cheap with another game so he thought "what the hell, might as well". We got up to the fourth level and got stuck, we then bought TR2 and played that and got stuck in the first area... embarrassing to say now that I've done them all :p Then we found Stella's site and used the walkthroughs to aid us in our raiding, I now love the TR series and have every single game and film :p Not bad for a £2 random game :p

  26. Anniversary, then Legend, then Underworld, then Guardian of Light, then Survivor

  27. The original in Sega Saturn.
