September 14, 2011

Tomb Raider 30-Day Challenge Day 14: Least favorite game in the series.

UPDATE: This month-long challenge has officially finished, but you're still welcome to post your comments below at any time. We'd love to hear what you think.

As far as I'm concerned, even the "worst" Tomb Raider is better than most other games, but since we've shared our favorites it seems only fair to name our least favorite too.


  1. My least favorite would have to be Tomb Raider Legend. Although it did begin the series reboot and I appreciate that, it just didn't do it for me on too many levels and was too repetitive. I thought it went too much out of the tombs with not enough pay off from other elemnets of the combat and enviorments. Not unlike AOD, but I felt AOD went so far out of the tombs that it worked especially with the challenging puzzles and infrequent (but exciting) action sequences.

  2. For me it's a tie between Angel of Darkness (buggiest and worst controls by far) and Underworld (way too short and linear, no bosses). But, as I mentioned in the intro, they're still among my favorites compared with all the other games out there. Also, the addition of the "Beneath the Ashes" and "Lara's Shadow" levels to Underworld raises it about 20 percentage points. I wish they'd release those levels for the other systems. They're among the best in the game.

  3. Mine would have to be tomb raider the guardian of light, or the first 4. Chronicles, AOD, Legend and up are great.

  4. My least favourite game by far is Legend. The game is way too short, and there is almost no challenge at all! It made the game very boring for me. But, I do enjoy it more than some other games.

  5. At the moment I'm trying to play Anniversary and I don't know if it's because I'm an idiot or what, but I can't get the grapple hook thing to work right so I'm still stuck at the beginning. :o) (Yes, Stella, I'll be heading over to your walkthrough shortly!) Anyhow, besides that, the first one freaked me out the most, so I think it's my least favorite. But like you said, any tomb raider is better than none at all!

  6. AOD is the only entry in the main series that I've not finished. I loaded it back up last week after someone mentioned it in response to Day 1's question and it was as atrocious as I remembered. I managed to get a few hours in when it was released but only managed the first few areas this time around before the abominable controls started making me fear for my sanity. Such a shame.

  7. My least favorite Tomb Raider game is Anniversary. The reason mainly was the controls did not work properly. I have been on this game for over a year because I got so fed up with the controls and the only way I got that far was Stella updating the walkthrough and tips that she put in there. I am at the last battle and when I beat that, if ever, I doubt I will ever play this game again! I have never gotten so mad or cried so much from sheer frustration on a game ever. I will play any of her games over again and it will be fun, but not Anniversary.

  8. I did not like Guardian of Light, unfortunately. I haven't had the motivation to finish it yet, I guess I just don't find it interesting.
    I really did like AOD's plot and gameplay ideas, but both characters were soooo slow to handle, it brought it down several notches.
    I too found Underworld (and Legend) too short...

  9. My least fav would be AOD just because the controls are so fricken slow.But my bro has shown me how to speed it up with a tool named cheat engine LOLs

  10. Angel of Darkness, way to ungainly to control.

  11. I think Chronicles was pretty bland, still liked it though. I even liked AOD. Like many said, the main issue I have with the later games is that they are just to damn short, still that's not a major issue for me. The most important thing is show me a good time, while I'm playing, and they all sure did that.

  12. "My least fav would be AOD just because the controls are so fricken slow.But my bro has shown me how to speed it up with a tool named cheat engine LOLs "

    Hey, what cheat engine? The AOD pc trainer? I'm thinking I'm gonna replay AOD soon, and would really like to know. :)

  13. If I could have overcome the technical difficulties I experienced with Angel Of Darkness and if I could have functioned comfortably with the controls, then I might have enjoyed the game. But I couldn't and I didn't :(
    Years later when I got an XBox 360, loaded-up Legend, and saw that the responsive, acrobatic Lara was back, I nearly wept for joy :)

  14. Legend was too short and easy, but really nice.
    The prettiest Lara, as well, IMHO. So I really can't
    call it my least favorite. Not at all. Charming.
    Chronicles is the same, but less organized....
    Some interesting material, yet not as engaging
    as other TR games. AoD Also had many interesting
    levels and moments, but also, some of the worst.
    The beginning AoD acted like a meth freak....
    It did improve after that, but then came Trent,
    who I never enjoyed, or wanted to play. Bad concept,
    bad control. There are some good AoD levels, but it is
    the only game I never went back to. Too bad, maybe,
    but the - >+.

  15. Mine is AOD. I don't think I've ever finished it either, and if i did i don't remember doing so. I pretty sure i didn't cos i don't think I've ever played as but why all the hate for Legend? thats in my top 3 :L 1=TR2. 2=Legend. 3=hmmm probably either Anniversary or Chronicles :)

  16. @Harry, I also love Legend.
    Just wish it was longer and
    a bit more challenging.

  17. I have not played all the games, unfortunately. But from the ones I've played Angel Of Darkness comes in dead last, not only because of the controls but also because of that other playable character.

  18. Ok, people are going to kill me for saying this, but my least favourite is the original TR. Yes. Although, this has a reasonable explanation. The first game I played was TR2, and then I just played the following ones. When I finally bought and played the original, I had already played Anniversary, and it felt a bit boring. I know that in 96 it was revolutionary. When I played TR2 and the other, they felt really good.
    But, I played it some times now, and I've really learned to see the greatness of the game. And I still love it. It's just the only classic one that I don't have childhood memories from. I should've born earlier :)

  19. For me, it's a tie between AoD and Legend. I do like them both, for different reasons. However, when I compare them to all the others, they end up at the bottom of my list when it comes to which TR games I'll replay any time soon. My complaints about them are going to echo what's already been said: AoD had bad controls, and Legend was too short. Simple.

  20. Ok, sadly I just want to say that it's physically impossible for me to dislike any of the Tomb Raider Games, I like all of them. In my opinion my least favorite thing in the entire series was the camera in Underworld, but I still love that game. I love all the Tomb Raider games.

  21. Don't get me wrong I adore the classic games (1-5) but for me "Tomb Raider Last Revelation" has to be the least captivating. Sorry if anyone is offended, because I know it's many peoples favourite! I think TR4 least appealed to me because of the complexity, length and ability to freely switch between levels (this boggled by head!). It's still a great game, like Stella said, any Tomb Raider game is better than most others.

  22. It's a toss up between AOD and Legend. AOD has the worst controls and is terribly buggy but some of the locations are gorgeous (it's worth hanging on til you get past the Louvre) and at these points the game starts to feel like the classics. Length is on its side as well. Meanwhile, Legend is fun to play, great movement set for Lara, lovely locations but too short and light-hearted for a true TR, in my opinion. Dislike characterization of Lara in both, and they both wear too much eyeliner. :p. If I have to chose the worst, I'd go with Legend. AOD holds some nostalgic place in my heart, bugs and all.

  23. Legend (AoD is in my top 3!).

    Not bad per se, great platforming, and I loved the timed runs, the secrets and the unlockables and, well, it's much better than many other games.

    But it's short, it's easy, and Zip and Alistais (bless him) never shut up. Linear, very little sense of exploration, and a ridiculous plot.

    Still good fun, but more like an afternoon stroll than an epic adventure.

  24. I rank Legend and Underworld about equally as my second least favorite (after AOD). Sometimes Legend comes out ahead, sometimes Underworld. I found both of them too short and linear, and I really dislike the whole Zip/Alister/headset dynamic. The only thing that raises Legend up a little for me is the inclusion of boss fights. For me, that's part of the TR experience.

  25. TR 2 annoyed me the most, because I didn't want to kill human antagonists like that, or that often. AOD is second least favorite, because the controls are so unwieldy (the storyline was great, though).

  26. Hmm.. am I the only one who actually liked Zip or Alister chatting away in the headset? Made exploring all those location a little less lonely, as opposed to the earlier games. Zip is not a very convincing character though. An expert on everything "technological", a gourmet chef and a "cool guy"... Bryce's character in the movies is much truer to real life.

    1. I liked Zip and Alister in the headset too. Made me feel less lonely.

  27. TR4 was a great game but still my least fave for some reasons.
    I found the same Egypt theme got old since the other games had Lara go all over the world. Also the free switching between levels was atta hand and too much luck that it would actually be the right level/time to switch.

    I also didn't like Von Croy even though he had a history with Lara. If they made him less evil, he would have been a great villain cause of the personal ties between them.

  28. Tomb Raider Legend, because of the reboot, the storyline, and the briefness of it (on my first playthrough I completed it in less than a day, compared to the weeks I´ve spent on completing the classic TRs this was one of the biggest gaming disappointments in my life).

  29. I feel like my opinion can't entirely be trusted due to the fact that I didn't even make it through the first level, but the controls in AoD were just horrible. I don't have a lot of patience with those types of things and I just could not put myself through that, haha.

  30. Probobly Anniversary, just because I haven't played t in a while. But it's still great.

    1. Actually Angel of Darkness,, only Core game I ever played and I couldn't even get through level one. And since nothing I have runs other Core games, that's why I love Crystal more.
