September 11, 2011

Tomb Raider 30-Day Challenge Day 11: Were there any specific moments during the game that scared you?

UPDATE: This month-long challenge has officially finished, but you're still welcome to post your comments below at any time. We'd love to hear what you think.

The series certainly has its share of harrowing moments, and the upcoming game looks to be the most frightening yet. What scene or situation did you find the scariest?

Lara fights a swarm of giant spiders in Tomb Raider: Underworld.


  1. I'm a bit acrophobic so the elevated climbing sequences like the tall structure in St. Francis Folly and the cliffs in TR1 Sanctuary of the Scion give me sweaty palms. I'm not too scared of spiders in real life, but the huge ones in TR2 and Underworld really creep me out. I think the scariest parts are when the cat mummies suddenly spring out in TR1 and Unfinished Business. Even when I know they're coming, they always startle me and I scream like a girl. Oh wait, I am a girl. ;)

  2. TR1-4 scared me most of the way through. Favorite scares - the yetis in the dark in TR2, the two T Rexes in TR2, the spiders in TR2 and Lara crying over a bit of blood on her hands in Legend. Being a hardcore Resident Evil fan and due to the modern tendency to replace suggestion with blinding obvious realism and monsters flagged well up in advance, I doubt I'll be scared again by a TR game. I also find silence combined with a few creepy sound effects much more scary than continual background musak.

  3. I was terrified playing through TR2 the whole time. Those giants spiders in Underworld made me flinch and when they sprang out of nowhere jump a little. I always scream when something jumps out at me from tomb raider. The part in Legend where you swim through the lake with the snake under the water I was like mashing triangle and she didn't get out for a few minutes, that part scared the hell out of me. Or running from anything in Tomb Raider was terrifying.

  4. TR1's wolves in the first level are still my stongest gaming memories. The musical accompaniment adds to the thrill.

    For sheer creep-factor, it has to be Tomb Raider 4. It's such a dark, lonely game. I think the Tomb of Seth, with the chanting and the rivers of blood, is the scariest bit.

  5. there's one in TR3, in RX-Tech mines, where you have to slide down to a steamy room and fight big mutants. the room's so dark, with the flashing lights and the way the big mutants growl, I find that room scary.

    the spider nest room in TR2 (Temple of Xian) is also scary.

  6. I think a scary part that I remember was in Tomb Raider 3, I think. There was a pit that you had to jump into and it was really really dark and you turn on a flare and there were poisonous snakes everywhere. I also thought a scary part was the begining of th esecond when where there were traps after traps after traps.

  7. There was only one part that I was truly scared: in the Wreck of the Maria Doria in TR2, in the part where the bottom of the room (this case the top of the ship) is in glass (with lots of broken one too), you need to jump to the middle of the glass into the water. Then, there is a very narrow cave nearby. Once you entered the cave, there was a moray eel that jumped at Lara, and it was very unnexpected. I was death scared with that one :|
    The other moment that frightned me a bit was also in TR2, in the Catacombs of the Talion, in the very dark room: you heard the yeti's noise, and that was also a bit scary.

  8. The only things that have ever scared me in Tomb Raider were those horrible, bloody-mouthed, rock-throwing changelings in Chronicles. Just remembering them gives me the willies!

  9. The Spider's Nest in Temple of Xian. I had to get my mother to come and sit next to me before I could pluck up the courage to go in. ^^

  10. Definitely when I'm walking around, and I think I'm safe, and an enemy just jumps out of nowhere! So pretty much every enemy, unless I know where they are. Then I just jump 3 feet in the air.

  11. I remember a moment when I was multi-raiding (drinking tea and one handedly controlling poor Lara) and a wolf jumped out from nowhere, the music started blaring and I had tea all over my lap...

    It was the part in the City of Vilcabamba of TR1 down those corridors with the grass... TR1-5 were the leaders of scary-out-of-nowhere enemies :P

  12. I think the scariest TR moment I've had is the two T-rex's in TR2. I know it sounds dumb but I've always been so freaked that the first one would kill me before I made it back to the little cave entrance lol. You've got no idea how many times I've asked my mom to play that part for me!!! :P

    And for sure the Cat Mummies in TR1 and then Anniversary. They pop outta no where and scare me every time even though I *KNOW* they're coming!!

  13. Most scariest moment was in TR Anniversary when Lara found 1st piece of Scion in tomb of Qualopec. There one of the mummies moved and that's scared me. :)

  14. My scariest moment would have to be in the Sanctuary of the Scion Tomb Raider 1. It was dark, windy, and I nearly crapped myself with those mutants.

  15. Fighting That big ass spider in the Spiders Tomb ON LCGOL.Also those spiders that are in Underworld I HATE spiders LOLs

  16. Animals for sure. Wolves, spiders, the shark (with the heartbeat!), the moray eel, cat zombie up at the top in TR1. Human enemies always annoyed me.

  17. The Cave with the Spiders in TR2. That place was as close for hell as it could get for me. The dark, the creepy spider sounds; the noise they made when they moved. Oh, God, chills run down my spine just thinking about it.

    I am actually playing Underworld right now ... but I have not gotten to the part with the spiders, I guess I'll be hating that one too.

  18. LOOOL the first time i played TR2 i had to ask my dad/sister to play most of the scary bits for me because i was too scared XD it seem silly now haha cos it can't hurt me :LL but i was young so I'm off the hook ;) also the creepy music didn't help :L

  19. I always got scared in Tomb Raider Underworld and Anniversary when I'd be focused on solving a puzzle and enemies would be chasing me. I couldn't break my focus to kill them so I'd be playing cat and mouse for a good 15 mintues xD

  20. Hmmm, really scared? Don't think so.
    I do have a fear of spiders, but did/do
    need what needs to be done and move on.
    I do get vertigo and "höhenangst" at times
    though, when Lara is way up high.

  21. When I was like 7 watching my dad play TR4 with the mummies scared me so much my dad got cheats(from stella :]) and blew up the mummies with the explosion arrows and I was happy. Haha.

    Then when I played TR5 I stopped playing it when I got to Gallows Tree because the dead guy hanging in the tree terrified me. So like 1 years later I played it at a braver age and beat it and now all those Ireland levels are like my favorite. Haha.

  22. Like Jorge Silva said, the Eel in TR2 scared me. I guess the Yetis in the dark too.

    The TR5 Irish devil-babies were truly creepy kids! They all deserve a Time-Out!!

  23. Entering the yeti chamber in TR2 and hearing the growling from all around me freaked me out, then when I thought I had killed them all a yeti lunged out at me from the dark, and gave me such a scare Lara was dead before I was calm enough to react. When the cutscene introducing the scarabs in TR4 first played my reaction was "oh, no...", giant bugs in games always freak me out, so the thought of having hundreds of crawlers swarming all over you was not a welcome prospect.

  24. 1. Running off the Black Sentinel (it reminded me of the Matrix's Sentinel :-p) in Peru level in TR Legend.

    2. Ireland levels in TR5, especially the appearance of Gallows Ghost & taking Silver Coin from the Sea Hag.

    3. Whenever lions, tigers or hyenas jump out of nowhere in some classic TR series. Always shock me & give chills to my chest.

    4. Avoiding flying ghosts & the Bull in TR4. Not fair that we couldn't hurt 'em with the twin pistols!

    Just realized there's quite a lotta events I were scared of :-))

  25. Any time in the dark was scary to me, anytime you had to use your flare and you knew that there was something bad in the dark. The fact that you drop your flare when you have your guns out don't help much. This happened alot in TR2. I would just walk really slow and mutter under my breath "I don't wanna die" lol, It's fun though.

  26. I try to watch videos of each level right before I play it, if i haven't played it before, so that I don't have to stop and read walkthroughs while I'm playing. So I saw the Torso from TR1 before I got to the actual level...yeah, pretty nervous about that one. But it wasn't that bad! And I thought the floating statues in TR2 were gonna be crazy creepy, but they're my favorite enemies now.

    Surprise attacks from unexpected enemies always make me jump out of my skin, too.

  27. Random attacks out of the dark make me jump especially with sudden sharp music :p Never really been scared of a specific creature in the series though tbh :) Then again I did play Half-Life shortly after first playing Tomb Raider, I was about 7-10 probably :p
