September 28, 2011

Tomb Raider 30-Day Challenge Day 28: Favorite Tomb Raider Parody

UPDATE: This month-long challenge has officially finished, but you're still welcome to post your comments below at any time. We'd love to hear what you think.

Over the years, many fans have created satirical tributes to the series in the form of fan fiction, art, videos, etc. Which Tomb Raider spoof do you like best? (Note that this question only covers parody. Tomorrow we'll talk about more serious fan work.)

The original challenge question for today was an accidental repeat of Day 9. Today's stand-in question was suggested by Jack.

The gamer/character relationship is reversed in AshkaFiend's video series, "If Lara Could Control Her Fans."


  1. Where to start.... There are so many fun and funny ones out there. Today my favorites happen to be the "It's Lara Croft, Bitch" series by ThatNorskChick and AshkaFiend's series "If Lara Could Control Her Fans". Silly good fun.

    YouTube Playlists:

  2. Die Natla (a folk song) by ThatNorskChick

  3. OMG I actually didnt really think about it.
    But this playlist is hilarious

  4. This little clip is more glitch than parody, but I find it hilarious:

  5. Crazy Croft! It's the best, and there are plenty videos in the series :)
    I personally like this one due to the Sophia Leigh clip featuring a transgender Croft (3:34).

    From the same author, tombraidertrailerman, the Animated Croft series is also quite awesome. Here's the original, it's quite funny :)

  6. I like animated croft (Not sure who it's by :L), and I love anything by thatnorskchick

  7. OMG OMG OMG OMG I didn't even know these existed! I never thought to look for this? Wow amazing! Stella's links are awesommmeeee! HAHAHA!

  8. I had not seen any Tomb Raider parodies until now. I don't very much like it when they start messing around with something that is not supposed to be funny. I mean, there are some comical moments in the series but Lara is not a comedian for crying outloud.

    Anyway, I don't know, call me crazy but I don't like this ...

  9. Apologies to their owner, but I just deleted a couple of comments due to their hostile nature. I'm sorry that the rules here are not laid out explicitly, but just so you know, I remove any comments with profanity, hostility or irrelevant (spam) links. It's fine to say you dislike something, especially if you explain why, but I don't think saying someone's work sucks is helpful to the conversation.

  10. I made one, it's not too great but I had fun!

  11. It's Lara Croft, Bitch is awesome.

    "Broccoli...Coconut...Hot Dog."

  12. I've written some fanfics of my own, regarding Lara, her cousin Alice, another cousin Allan and Allister is her cousin too. They're my favorites. I haven't posted them anywhere, I don't want to, but I enjoy them.

  13. They aren't actually parodies.
