Artist Andy ParkThis month marks the 15th anniversary of the original Tomb Raider's release. To commemorate the joyous occasion, Crystal Dynamics has unveiled an online art exhibition inspired by the upcoming series reboot. The show kicks off with a piece by Andy Park, the man behind the first 20 issues of the Top Cow Tomb Raider comic. Each Monday and Friday in October, a new image by a different artist will be unveiled, finishing with a piece by the series' creator Toby Gard.
Each piece of digital artwork will be available for download in various formats for computer and mobile device desktops. Visit to see the show.
One of Andy Park's classic Lara Croft comic illustrations and Andy's take on the new Lara. See more of his work at and on his blog. |
Awesome! I'm downloading now!
ReplyDeleteThese are fun! I wish I could be a sketch artist for the games. :)