June 7, 2012

E3 Tomb Raider Demos without Commentator Voiceover

Thanks to Gamespot for posting these and Twin Pistols for sharing them on Tumblr. I have to say, as informative as the guided demos are, I much prefer seeing the action purely from a player's point of view with no extraneous chattering.


  1. They're all so beautiful! Looks really fun. Can't wait to play this next year.

  2. Every time I see a new clip for this game I just get more anxious and desperate for next year! Game looks fabulous! Thanks E3 Ambassadors for your input and to to Gamespot for posting these and Twin Pistols for also making these available. Keep them coming!

  3. Superb! As much as I'm going to miss any new stories emerge from the Legend/Anniversary/Underworld games, I am absolutely loving this new direction!

    I really feel every bruise and bump that this Lara experiences, and from these videos alone, I truly feel afraid for whatever situation she finds herself in. Having said that, I hope by the end of the game I get a sense of the tough, confident Lara that I absolutely adore!

    I also want to add that the in-game character model looks so much better than those early promo pics of Lara from a year or two ago.


    Entombed Raider

  4. is it me or are the vids of the demo's not working ANYMORE

  5. @Anon: It's not just you. Gamespot seems to have removed the videos. Fortunately I saved them and posted them on my YouTube channel. So I've embedded that version, with all 3 demos in one video, above. Hope I don't get in trouble for that, but I the fans seem to be enjoying them.

  6. I'm not going to enjoy all the "drama" from Lara. I want the background sounds, but Lara's constant breathing and verbalizing every thought process will be distracting. Turning off sound will prevent the environment feel of the game. Bummer!
