September 16, 2011

Tomb Raider 30-Day Challenge Day 16: Favorite Location

UPDATE: This month-long challenge has officially finished, but you're still welcome to post your comments below at any time. We'd love to hear what you think.

Lara Croft has been around the world and back several times. The only continent she hasn't visited yet is Australia. Which setting did you enjoy most? Where would you like her to go in a future game?

Tomb Raider world map courtesy of Wikipedia. Click the image for the full-size annotated version.


  1. I like the Egyptian ruins best, but I think Thailand in Underworld is probably the most visually stunning. I think Lara should go to Australia just for the sake of completion, but I wouldn't mind seeing her explore other historic ruins. I much prefer the tombs to the urban environments.

  2. I love three locations: Greece, Ireland and Thailand. I should admit that greece wins, because I think that St. Francis Folly is the greatest level in the saga

  3. Well, I really loved the Jan Mayen Island in Underworld. Just the thought of a nearly deserted island where I am alone, with snow and bad weather... I like it. I also love the first "indoor" part of the level, the magnitude of the main pillar is huge.
    I also really like Egypt, it is THE defining location for Lara Croft. Filled with ruins, temples, pyramids, it's simply awesome. I would love to see Lara in New Zeland. A jungle level there would be very good.

  4. TR3's London! Not because of London, but because I really liked the way those levels were illustrated. It was like being inside a beautifully hand-painted graphic novel. I'd love to see more levels done like those, no matter what the location.

  5. Lara has never been to a Nordic country (I don't think Jan Mayen Island counts), even though Underworld used norse mythology as a theme. I like to see her come visit some day. :)

    I don't think I have a favorite location. But if I have to chose one at the top of my mind.. I've always thought the England levels was among the more fun to play, both in Legend and TR3. Don't really have a good reason to be explained in few word.

  6. St. Francis Folly is one of my most favoured levels of all time. I loved the Norse Underworld in TRU, that was stunning.
    I loved Kazakhstan and Prague and some of the Paris levels were good too.
    I too would love to see Australia, but I think it'd be lovely to have some more Egyptian and Chinese settings, bar Anniversary, we haven't seen the classic 'tomb' in awhile (and I don't count King Arthur's "resting place" in Legend) :P

  7. I like Floating Islands, which isn't strictly a place. So therefore I'll choose instead - Mars. Except she hasn't been to Mars. So final try - India.

  8. i think Ireland in Chronicles if fantastic--i always felt cheated that they weren't more explorable, and that there wasn't some mission in the same location that involved adult Lara (with guns and all). But i also love the urban environments. Some builders at have done amazing work in urban environments--even going to painstaking lengths to recreate real-world locations.

    i'd love to see Lara go places she has yet to go. Canadian forest? African jungle? Perhaps yet another large city? i hope the new locations keep coming.


  9. I loved India in Tomb Raider 3, I love jungles with Lara, and the traps were really really cool. And when you finally got into the tomb it was eerie seeing the other archeologists floating in the air as if they were sacrificed. I like Egypt too because its classic. :]

  10. Settings I love:

    The Andrea Doria was amazing. I enjoy and also hate a bit all the water levels.

    Settings I'd love to see:

    My country: Guatemala, Tikal National Monument with all those huge Mayan pyramids should be great.

    Also Madagascar ... there are a lot of strange animals there that could result in very nice enemies.

  11. I love the Venice locations in TR2 I would love to see her visit them again.

  12. There are so many she's been too!!!

    I'm really likin' the upcoming TR9's setting. I also really like those tombs and catacombs in the Last Revelation. I also like the levels where she's been inside a building or facility. I like the submarine in chronicles, Kazakhstan.

    I would definately want to see her go to Hawaii, Australia, and maybe some twisted up funky cave place in South Africa(I guess)

  13. I really enjoyed Paris, but I think the winner will have to be Ireland. That level was a giant trouble for me, and I loved it! I would love to see more levels like this!

  14. That's a really tough question! Ummm, I think it has to be Tibet and the Great Wall of China. They were great fun!

  15. Couple ideas... 1. anywhere where there's serious vertical climbing, incl. attaching safety ropes, clips, camping o/night and continuing next day. 2. kuala lumpur, in or outside that high tower building. 3. Nero's palace, Rome (actually buried though partially accessible today). 4 Luray Caverns Va - (I'm sure there's more than they show ya on the guided tour ;) 5) New Zealand, Lord of the Rings type country, gotta be some buried treasure up there somewhere. 6) Antarctica - been watching "White Out" (the movie), looks cool, wanna drive a "snow Cat". 7) Vegas, yup I wanna gamble for one level. 8) The Future - sure its doable in a video game, and a huge space station sounds like fun. - Don

  16. I love Bolivia in Legend. It just so exciting playing it for the first time and seeing what new Lara could. Ooh I'm going all ticklly just thinking aBout it-I think I'll go play it now!

  17. question,Egypt,hands down...

  18. Futuro: Brasil, floresta AmazĂ´nica!

  19. Unfair question! Way to many places
    to chose from! And in so many ways!
    Venice, Egypt, Area 51.... It is a Love
    of Adventure, above Love of Place.

  20. I always wondered why she never went to Australia. A lot of potential there, surely?

    For me, it's Karnak. The sound effects are wonderful, so haunting and empty. It really feels like a "ruin", there's so much that's crumbled.

    My other favourites are Rome in TR5, the original Peru in TR1, the Strahov in TR6 and, as a Londoner, I must say London in TR3.

  21. I do hope she ends up in Australia at some point. I can't choose a favorite location, although the Egyptology nerd in me geeks out over all the Egypt levels. Every place in TR3 holds a special spot in my heart; they just seemed so well done to me. I'm not sure exactly why, but I particularly enjoyed the Nevada levels. For pure gorgeousness, I love Thailand in Underworld.

  22. venice, africa,.....there's more but its not coming to me at the moment. lol

  23. I'll base this solely on location, not actual puzzles & gameplay. This is still a difficult question, as the answers could vary mood and my weaker recollection.

    Tibet was prolly my fave location, as it had a variety of beauty. The snow mountains & hills were lovely, from the vast snowmobile expanses to the narrow ice water ledges.
    It also had the indoor monastery which was spectacular too, so best of both scenic worlds.

    Area 51 could be 2nd, as the whole coolness factor of just being there. The outside river-falls area was spectacular.
    Inside was filled with cool alieny goodness which delivered where TR1 misleadingly failed (Atlanteans, not aliens!).

  24. When I think of tombs, Egypt is the first thing that comes to mind. I also just feel like it's a very mysterious culture and playing as Lara is probably the closest I'll ever get to visiting. I really liked the China levels, but my favorite "place" was the monastery in Tibet. I liked Atlantis too; it's mystical and creepy, haha.

  25. I'd like her to go and do more in Greece, because St. Francis Folly wasn't much. Maybe an arcade style game?
